Science, which is growing day by day, has turned man into a maniac of luxury. There are more people who have perished than those who have fully enjoyed a luxurious life ...
There is no bar to every action in human life being beautiful and elegant. The path of destruction begins only when it is thought to be luxurious ...
Birthday Celebration of King Kiruttina Thevaraya. The ceremony took place in a luxurious way. The chief courtiers, as well as the general public, paid tribute to the king ...
The gift package brought by Tenali Rama was so big that the people in it eagerly saw what the gift was and the king told Tenali Rama to split the package ...
Tenali Rama opened the package and inside it was a well-ripened tamarind fruit. They mocked and laughed ...
The king said, "Rama!, why did you choose this little object ...?" Asked ...
O king, the fruit that explains the philosophy of what a king who rules a country should look like is a fruit. The king is like the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He should be as sweet as the taste of the fruit ...
"At the same time, I brought this tamarind as a gift to explain that you should not stick to the tamarind shell of pleasures. Be like tamarind fruit ...!" said...
They raised their hands and cheered. The king got up from his seat and embraced Tenali Rama, "Rama! You have given me the right mind". A birthday party does not need so much pomp ...
“I have wasted treasure and money and public money. Stop celebrating my birthday right away ", and donate three jobs to the helpless poor and elderly who are now living in poverty on my birthday ...
Play heroic games. Give gold and material to the winners. Money should not be spent lavishly without God, ”he ordered ...
The lust for luxury will only bring destruction
Those who live a life of luxury beyond their means will one day lose their peace ...!
Luxury life, the wealth of the living will disappear like snow that disappears before the sun ... !!
Subject to our qualifications, we can live contentedly if we live simply ... !!!
May the Lord bless us to wake up with a smile on your face and hope to start a new day…!
Let's think good and good will happen
Let's start life with good thoughts ...
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