Resurrection is God’s personal response to who we are. The heart of Jesus pierced on Calvary blankets us with the blood of salvation. The warmth of Christ’s love touches the loose ends of our lives. Christ has died for us and we want to be with him forever. Resurrection is more than a destiny; it is the fulfilment of love. Christ’s love of the Father, even to death on the cross, promises a stake in heaven when we own Christ’s death. The Cross and Resurrection of Christ are our salvation and our foothold in heaven.
    The resurrection, an embarrassment of riches, HAS A LIFE OF ITS OWN! Just as it only takes a moment to love for a lifetime, the resurrection is the Eternal Moment of a lifetime to express love. The lived experience of Christ in our own lives makes each one of us a Child of God. We have no right to expect love, but we can receive it. The very mystery of creation includes the world which is always praising God just by being what it was meant to be – it could not be anything else.
    Yet, the love of God is such a mighty force that it goes out from him as a force of life which is the creation mystery. A true human relationship leaves us with our freedom. Perfect love generates a return. Any incomplete act in the human race has the need of fulfilment. Christ, by his death and resurrection, came to claim us for the Father. To say we are adopted children says a great deal, but it does not say enough, because, in the death of Christ for our sins, we become the recipients of the very love that the Father has for Jesus Christ.
    The Resurrection can make a difference to us. When we have located one reason for personal joy in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have found the uniqueness of our relationship with Christ. Then we have a reason to love him so much we are willing to die for him. He already HAS SHED HIS BLOOD which has passed into the soil of life. Our shedding our blood brings a flowering of souls. We become part of Christ’s Eucharist by being his disciple in the carrying of our crosses for him to bring his peace to our world. In the light of the Resurrection, we believe:
     that Christ is our ‘foothold’ in heaven
     that suffering and resurrection cannot be ‘hyphenated; they must be ‘crossed’.
     that if we face the cross without the Resurrection, Christianity is a scandal and an outrage.
     that the Resurrection, as our, hope, is in the person of Christ.
     that the world which was groaning for salvation has it in the suffering, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
     that JOY is the infallible sign of the Resurrection.
     that the resurrection is the fullness of the joy of life.
     that if we treat someone as they can be with God’s love, we call forth the Resurrection of Christ in that person.
     that if we look toward the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we become what we see.
     that the Resurrection is lived by claiming it.
     that the Resurrection is the fullness of life.
     that eye has not seen and ear has not heard what awaits us in the fullness of what Christ has won for us in his passion, death and resurrection.
    Heavenly Father, you have sent your Son into our lives so we may be touched with something of Divinity; that our hearts might be converted to belong entirely to you; that we might know ourselves as special and we possess within our hearts the power to carry us through every cross to the Resurrection.
    Help us to understand this Mystery. Send your Spirit upon us so that filled with the love you gave the world by his second birth into heaven, we might know the meaning of life in his Resurrection and claim its meaning even now for our life here. Let the Resurrection really make a difference in our lives. Allow us to be integrated into the mystery of what we can be in power and the glory of Christ’s Resurrection.
    Open us to the love that is claiming us as citizens of heaven in the joys of Christ that are such a rich taste of what is coming. Mould us in the power of this hope that is ours in Christ. Let him tell us again and again how to be so totally your children we would never choose a passing pleasure of this world before the joy of always being yours. Allow us to be more united to your love each day. May our minds, hearts, and feelings bring us closer and closer to you. We would realize even now the joy of belonging totally to you so that all we would choose would be chosen in the love we have for you in your Son Jesus Christ. Let him be our foothold in heaven and our holiness now and forever. Let our stony hearts be taken away. Give us Christ’s heart so we may all be of one mind and heart destined for his resurrection and your love forever and ever. This we ask with all our hearts in his Sacred Heart. Amen.
Wish you all a Happy Easter! God Bless us…
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Fr. Nicholas Macedon OCD
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